This amazingly simple yet powerful sleep solution may be the only positive news to come out of a recent coronavirus test reported by one of the top ranked medical schools in the world...
It has to do with the discovery of a strange chemical substance hidden inside the brain…
That some experts are now calling the stop sign of the brain because... 1
... in a matter of minutes.
What’s even more exciting...
Is how just about anyone can increase this natural sleep-supporting chemical inside the brain…
By drinking 6-8 ounces of a delicious nighttime tea...
That’s been scientifically-validated in a famous sleep-tea study...
To help stressed-out and anxious folks… even those worried about recent world events, work, family drama, or those who get anxiety leading up to bed…
Fall asleep within 20-minutes or less… no problem
And better yet…
This mysterious sleep tea can help you stay asleep...
Just like you had as a carefree kid during Summer vacation...
Where you’d sleep like a rock until the sun would beam through your window... and awaken your body with refreshing energy to tackle the day...
Instead of what may be taking place now…
Where you have to slam the snooze button a half-dozen times each morning because you had a rough night and are trying to scrounge up any last few precious minutes of sleep you can.
Where it feels like just about anything wakes you up and you can’t go back to sleep… while your spouse lays there like a hibernating bear…
Or maybe you’re the victim of those...
Late night demons that bombard you with racing thoughts the moment you lay your head on the pillow…
Which leads to another night of endless tossing and turning in bed and pacing the bedroom floor...
Because what you’re about to discover...
Is a sleep breakthrough that will allow you to quit the weird “sleep hygiene” rituals…
Where you have to turn off your phone an hour before bed... and read a book instead of watching your favorite TV show...
Or plug in to some “woo-woo” sleep meditation app... and count sheep or try to do simple math problems in your head to put you to bed…
And instead...
Just decide when you want to go to bed like a normal sleeper…
And without an ounce of anxiety...
Lay down… close your eyes… and fall into a deep sleep that restores your body and mind and has you...
Waking up with spring-out-of-bed energy like a kid on Christmas morning.
And I get that those kinds of promises may be hard to believe…
It may even tick you off...
Like buy ugly black-out curtains for the bedroom…
Or maybe you’ve switched over to a more expensive mattress, weighted blanket and pillow…
Or given up coffee, alcohol, and processed foods…
And you’re frustrated as hell because nothing seems to give your body the deep sleep it desperately craves…
And it’s turning you into a miserable short-tempered grump who’s no fun to be around…
That’s why in just a minute...
I’ll share the mountains of new research that will show you just how simple and possible it can be to get amazing sleep every night starting tonight…
And you’ll likely be shocked when you find how the same sleep remedy I’ll share with you today was also used during World War I to help soldiers with even the most intense form of “shell shock” become more calm, relaxed, and improve their sleep…
Even some religious cultures use this mysterious flower-based tea to tell the Biblical story of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection…
I’m not a spiritual man but…
And I promise it’s something that you’ve never heard of before...
Because over the last several decades it’s praises have been muted by certain government powers…
In fact…
This natural remedy was once approved by the FDA but then silenced by Big Pharma companies...
Not because it was unsafe or ineffective but because…
... because they can’t profit off nature’s medicine.
So it’s fate that you’re here...
And I hope that you read every word on this page…
Because the powers that control the web are in bed with Big Pharma... so I don’t know how much longer this information will be available.
Especially once I share how…
• A chemical-compound inside this mysterious flower was once used by the Germans in WWII... as a borderline-ethical “truth serum” to induce a euphoria-like state and extract insider information from enemy soldiers…
• How this flower was used by the Aztec and Inca tribes in South America to achieve almost almost immediate calmness for the mind and relaxation throughout the body to quicken sleep. How... save you money from being ripped off by the $28.6 billion dollar “sleep industry”...
• And just how simple it is to recreate this bedtime tea in the comfort of your own home in a matter of seconds…
All of this and more in just a few minutes from now…
But before I tell you exactly what this mysterious sleep-tea is…
And how you can brew it from home using a handful of ingredients… some of which may be growing in your backyard or hiding in your kitchen cabinets right now…
Let me first introduce myself…
And share how I stumbled on this exciting new sleep breakthrough...
That’s going to simplify your bedtime routine and knock you out starting tonight…
Hi. I’m James Klein…
And over the past 2 decades I’ve helped regular folks use natural nutritional methods to improve their life and health...
WITHOUT requiring fancy diets or vigorous exercise or anything like that.
And today you’re going to discover a little-known backyard tea…
That takes about 7-seconds to make that…
And help you not only fall asleep FAST…
But stay asleep until your body is fully refreshed to tackle the day.
And I know that sounds almost too easy…
Which is why in just a few moments…
You’ll discover the exact ingredients inside this mysterious nighttime tea...
The shocking new science behind each ingredient...
And how it's recently helped thousands of folks go from restless 3am “night-walkers” to sleeping like a baby almost instantly.
So lean in… read every word… and keep an open mind...
Because the information inside today’s report isn’t your typical “sleep hygiene” nonsense…
Where you spend the last hour before bed trying to relax your mind and body... and cross your fingers and pray to get a good night's sleep…
Which let’s be honest…
If you have kids or grandkids running around the house…
Or a stressful day job…
It can feel almost impossible to have enough “you time” to escape the daily grind and wind-down after a long day.
Or stop drinking coffee 10 hours before bed like some “experts” recommend...
In fact inside this report you’ll see how you can drink coffee right before bed and still sleep like a log all night long...
Plus— there are no pills or syrups…
Which should be a big sigh of relief...
Because a lot of those over the counter pills or syrups at the local drug store come with a handful of scary side effects like…
Dizziness, upset stomach, blurred vision, ringing in your ears... 2
And maybe worst of all is the daytime drowsiness where you wake up and it still feels like you’re half-asleep or have a hangover...
And you have to somehow drag yourself out of bed...
And muster enough focused energy to be productive at work... or get your kids safely to school.
Even Harvard doctors warn older folks... that the dangerous risks of popular sleep pills increase as you get older... and “the negative risks outweigh any positive.” 3
So if you’ve been trying to assist your sleep with certain drugs…
Or maybe you’ve been thinking about it...
Then you’ll definitely want to keep reading…
...that will have you waking up when your alarm goes off...and not a moment before… chock full of energy and ready to seize the day...
Because that’s how our bodies are designed to operate after sleep.
And you’ll be surprised to know that it doesn’t matter whether you get 8, 6, or even just 4 hours of sleep a night…
When you achieve deep restorative sleep…
The kind that I’ll share with you in just a minute…
You can sleep like a rock for just 4 hours and wake up feeling like a million bucks.
Heck I’ve worked with folks who sleep 10 hours a day... and still feel like a miserable zombie in the morning with no energy to roll out of bed...
And they’re just as exhausted as the person who can’t get or stay asleep. See...
A restorative night's sleep is NOT about the quantity of time you sleep…
And when you’re not getting high-quality deep sleep… well, life can feel like a living hell.
I know because I’ve been there...
I own a couple of small businesses that take a lot of my energy throughout the day…
And it’s almost impossible to shut off my brain. I mean...
I’ll be sitting at the dinner table with my wife and...
Especially with the recent events going on in the world…
And the riots…
The arguments and stress on social media…
And not knowing what could happen overnight with my businesses due to the lockdowns...
All of this used to keep me up at night. In fact…
It was the driving force behind my quest to find a fix for my own sleep problems...
Because not being able to sleep makes everything in life so much harder to deal with... and I just wanted one night of peace and serenity.
Sure I’d have trouble falling asleep most nights...
But my biggest problem was staying asleep.
I’d turn over to my wife and there she’d lay... totally gone into some dreamland that I’d give anything to be in...
As awful as it is...
I’d get so jealous that I’d nudge her some nights... or cough real loud to try and wake her up from the utopia she was in so I wouldn’t have to lay there all alone with my thoughts...
I think she could sleep through a tornado siren… and I envied her for it.
I’d spend the rest of the night tossing and turning…
Trying to find some magical sleep position that would work…
Flipping and fluffing my pillow dozens of times...
Until maybe... just maybe I’d get 30-minutes of sleep before my alarm starts beeping in my ear.
It makes all the little stresses of life so much bigger...
And can make you feel like you’re... on the verge of a mental breakdown at any second.
You’re on edge all day long...
And your kids and spouse feel like they have to walk on eggshells around you...
Because if they don’t…
You unleash the kraken and turn into a moody monster who’s ready to bring the house down.
What’s worse is that you can’t even decide to “turn in” early.
See— normal sleepers can just say...
“I’ve had a long day... I'm going to bed early... I’ll feel better in the morning…”
But when you try to go to bed early...
It feels like you hit the panic button…
And you get all worked up because you’re terrified of another sleepless night…
And it’s like you can’t stop your brain from going into overdrive...
And there’s nothing you’re doing wrong.
In fact…
You can do everything right... and live the cleanest, healthiest lifestyle…
Avoid caffeine altogether...
Never take a sip of alcohol...
Be physically active...
Have very little stress in your life…
And still struggle to sleep.
And I know you’re excited because it finally gives understanding as to why some folks struggle to fall and stay asleep, and gives...
Incredible new evidence as to how your sleep problems can be helped naturally.
The study was performed at Iran’s #1 medical school…
That’s also ranked as one of the top medical schools in the world.
They were studying rare COVID-19 cases that were affecting the brain... and causing seizures and epilepsy in certain patients…
And they found that a COVID-19 infection in the brain... reduces GABA levels... while simultaneously increasing Glutamate levels in the brain.
Now this is very important…
It has to do with your ability to get and stay asleep every night...
So I’ll break down exactly what GABA and Glutamate are in a very basic way that will make perfect sense to you.
Neurotransmitters are like little information signals...
Essentially, it’s how our cells communicate with one another…
Delivering important information between the brain and body.
The 2 main chemicals that function as neurotransmitters are GABA and Glutamate.
GABA, also known as Gamma Amino Butyric Acid…
Is our body’s major inhibitory neurotransmitter. 4 Basically…
Now without the effective amounts of GABA in our brain...
“Excitatory chemicals” can fire too often…
Which is what can awaken your body in the middle of the night… or make it impossible to fall asleep...
I’ll get to that exact excitatory chemical in just a second...
And how it’s responsible for 50% of your nervous system…
Which is why it's such a culprit at keeping you up at night.
But what’s interesting is that research shows...
And supporting the brain’s GABA production can help these individuals to feel calm and relaxed. 5 6
Here’s another strange connection that may surprise you...
Recent research from a professor at Johns Hopkins University shows there may be a link between low levels of GABA and Attention Deficit Disorder, also known as ADD. 7
This is caused by an imbalance between inhibitory neurotransmitters like GABA... that tell your body and brain to calm down…
And excitatory neurotransmitters in the brain called Glutamate... that tell your body to get excited and the brain to think, think, think!
Now— glutamate is the second neurotransmitter referenced in the COVID study. See...
Glutamate does the opposite of GABA...
It’s an excitatory neurotransmitter... 8
So instead of putting up a bunch of stop signs in the brain to tell it to wind down for the day…
And telling your brain signals to step on the gas...
And send more messages back and forth.
This is what contributes to racing thoughts...
And the excitatory nervous system response that gets your heart beating faster before bed...
Makes your body restless... to the point you can’t fall asleep…
Or if you do fall asleep…
Glutamate can cause you to wake up with your mind racing and at that point you can forget about falling back asleep. 9
To sum it up...
The COVID test revealed decreased GABA production…
Met with increased Glutamate production...
Would excite the body so much that it would cause a seizure in some patients…
And shockingly…
This leaves clues as to why some people sleep like a baby... while others can’t get a successful night of shut-eye.
Which is basically where your brain is producing too little GABA…
While maintaining or increasing its production of Glutamate...
And it’s causing a huge disruption in your ability to get a good night’s sleep.
Here’s the connection...
A Harvard Medical School study found...
GABA levels in people with insomnia were almost 30% lower than people without the sleep disorder.10
And it’s not just folks with insomnia who experience the GABA gap…
Think about it...
At one point you were likely sleeping fine with minimal interruption... but now you’re waking up several times a night...
Or an hour or two before your alarm is set to go off...
And instead of getting those precious last couple hours of sleep...
You just pry yourself out of bed because there’s no hope of going back to sleep even if your life depended on it. Well...
Researchers now know why that is…
According to a brand new study out of the University of Florida’s Center for Cognitive Aging...
As I’m sure you’re aware…
Stress can make it difficult for your body to wind down and get sleep too…
And that’s not just coincidence...
It’s because stress decreases GABA production…. 13
And at the same time increases the production of the “excitatory neurotransmitter” Glutamate… 14 15
That gets your mind racing with thoughts about work…
To-do lists…
It digs up the stuff you heard on the news... or read on social media from earlier in the day...
Even if you’ve gone the “clean living” route...
And decided to stay away from processed foods and sugar and eat healthy…
There are still a number of healthy foods that decrease GABA production and increase Glutamate.
Diets like the ketogenic diet...
Which is the #1 most popular diet right now... has been tested in vivo and shown to lower GABA production making it increasingly harder to sleep... 16
And even healthy foods like whole wheat, tomatoes, potatoes, mushrooms, and certain cheeses spike glutamate levels.
Pollutants in the air have been shown to decrease GABA and increase glutamate levels too. 17
All of these factors can widen the GABA gap…
And unless you plan to live under a rock...
Away from all the stress and pollutants that we encounter every day…
So you can enjoy deep uninterrupted sleep every single night...
By increasing your brain’s GABA supply before bed…
While decreasing your brain’s Glutamate supply.
It’s that simple.
And the even better news is there’s an easy stress-free way to shrink the GABA Gap...
And even “flip it”...
So you’re in a “GABA positive” output that immediately calms your mind... relaxes your body... and makes it possible to get deep restorative sleep that has you waking up feeling like a sleep champion.
It’s called Passionflower.
This calming herb has been used throughout history to treat insomnia...
And scientists believe this herb works by increasing levels of GABA and reducing stress and anxiety in the brain…18
Which makes you feel more relaxed as you wind down from the increased stresses of the day…
And boost the likelihood that you’ll fall into a restful sleep.
There’s an exciting double-blind placebo-controlled study…
Which is the gold standard of research…
That was published out of Victoria, Australia on passionflower...
41 participants were involved in the sleep study…
One group took a placebo tea…
While the other group took a special form of passionflower tea before bed…
And the results showed...
Like start exercising more without feeling drained the rest of the day...
And make better choices to eat healthy because your mind isn’t all fuzzy telling you to eat crap and drink your 12th cup of coffee…
You’ll get more done around the house and in the yard…
Be more focused at work…
Have the energy to run around with your kids or grandkids... instead of feeling dog tired all the time and hardly able to keep up…
And just be more calm, cool and collected which is an incredibly attractive trait that a lot of people admire…
Instead of what may be happening right now where you feel like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster all day because you couldn’t get a good night’s sleep.
In fact...
A handful of new studies show the benefits of passionflower can carry over to the next day and…
So it’s not just an herb that can help you get the deep restorative sleep your body desperately craves and needs…20 21
You’ll likely also be better able to handle the stress of the day…
And feel like a real winner…
And your family, friends, and coworkers are going to take notice of that too…
Because who doesn’t love to be in the presence of someone who keeps a cool head and is fun to be around…
Instead of always being crabby or talking negatively because hell... how can you not be negative, lazy, and grumpy when you’re hardly sleeping? Now...
Before you run to the store in search of a generic passionflower supplement…
Or even a cheapo GABA supplement…
Please BEWARE…
Most sleep supplements like that have been shown ineffective… because on their own they cannot cross the blood brain barrier...
And that’s a REAL PROBLEM…
Because in order for passionflower to be ultra-effective...
And help support positive GABA production in the brain which can result in so much better sleep…
The sleep compounds inside passionflower must be able to cross the blood brain barrier. 22
I learned this the hard way through a lot of wasted money and trial and error…
And eventually my research led me to discover how...
So your brain can boost GABA production even FASTER...
Which makes falling asleep even easier. Basically...
More on that in a minute. Now...
While the new research on passionflower was exciting enough for me to start testing out different dosages…
I was curious if there were any other herbs and spices that could shrink the GABA Gap even more and put me in a positive sleep-enhancing GABA balance almost immediately.
See— I wanted to find something I could rely on every single night of the week…
Something that would gently knock me out...
And keep me asleep all night long... even on my most stressful work and family days.
Because if you’ve been a sleep-sufferer for any amount of time…
You know that just one night of poor sleep can knock you on your butt the next day…
And cause an “avalanche effect” that makes you even more stressed-out and anxious for the next night of sleep…
Which increases your Glutamate levels even more while decreasing GABA and throws you into this vicious cycle of being dead tired all day…
Getting maybe 2-3 hours of shallow sleep a night…
And spending the rest of the time burning the midnight oil...
Pacing back and forth in your room...
Praying to God to strike you with a lightning bolt because at least it would put you out of your misery.
It’s a nightmarish cycle of exhaustion that I wanted to break...
And the ability to force my mind and body into total submission so when I want a great night’s sleep, it listens...
But I also wanted to do it in a safe way that doesn’t come with a bunch of side-effects…
Or leave me groggy the next day where I still feel like I’m in a dream at nine in the morning.
So after doing more research...
I discovered what I believe to be the most potent GABA boosting, Glutamate shrinking remedies gifted to us on God’s green earth…
Ingredients that are also backed by real science and some seriously amazing studies that will...put to bed your nighttime woes... and grant you deep restorative sleep every single night…
And help you wake up feeling refreshed instead of groggy and dragging like other efforts may have left you feeling in the past.
I decided to let a few others who were struggling to get and stay asleep try this nature-made formula for themselves…
And the results were better than I ever expected...
I have battled occasional sleeplessness for many years. I have tried MANY, many, many different supplements and routines to get good sleep. Harmonium Support supplements are now my go-to for both sleep and stress. I noticed a difference right away in my sleep. I am getting at least 2 more hours of quality sleep at night. Total game changer!
Amber S - San Diego, California
I've tried other supplements throughout the years, but either woke up groggy or had bad dreams during the night, only to wake up and wish I could go back to bed.
Harmonium Sleep Support has not only calmed my brain and body down before bed... but helped me get a full night of deep restorative sleep so that I can wake up refreshed, ready to take on every day!
Dawn S - Detroit, Michigan
I have just assumed that I would always struggle to sleep once I had kids. I have tried lots of different sleep aides to keep me asleep at night but I always found myself waking up over and over again through the night. I took Harmonium sleep and started to notice an immediate difference. I didn't come to hate the sound of my alarm every morning and now I don't even need it. I wake up refreshed, not groggy, and ready to attack the day.
Kyle K - Boise, Idaho
So with all of the success my formula was having…
And some arm twisting from my friends and colleagues who were amazed by their results...
I decided to make this “sleep breakthrough in a jar” available to help struggling sleepers everywhere…
So you can finally enjoy the deep restorative sleep that makes every part of life a joy again.
A potent new herbal bedtime powder that takes just 7-seconds to easily mix into a glass of water before bed…
With 10 key ingredients that naturally support healthy GABA production…
While decreasing nighttime Glutamate…
So you can be in a positive GABA state before bed...
To help you fall into deep sleep faster…
And stay asleep all night long...
So you can wake up refreshed, energized, and ready to put your best foot forward for the day.
...or what kind of shape you’re in, or if you’ve been struggling with poor sleep for a while.
I’ve already told you about passionflower…
And it’s GABA boosting effects and anxiety-reducing abilities...
And while I could have stopped there…
I wanted to make sure Harmonium Sleep Support contained the very BEST ingredients for the most potent sleep formula available to end the common sleep-issues that millions of people around the world lay awake with every single night…
Which is why I’ve also added 200mg of KSM-66 to Harmonium Sleep Support.
KSM-66 is the highest concentrated, most bioavailable form of ashwagandha in the world... 23
Which is incredibly exciting...
Because ashwagandha is a powerful GABA agonist…
Which basically means it enhances the production of GABA... 24
Which again is the sleep-supporting chemical your brain needs more of to relieve stress and make it easier for you to stop thinking so much and fall asleep. 25
In fact one study published from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto...
Tested 75 people who suffered from moderate to severe anxiety and panic attacks…
And the results showed ashwagandha dramatically reduced anxiety symptoms in the group... by increasing their GABA levels in the brain… while the placebo group showed no improvements in anxiety.
And this is why it’s so important to take ashwagandha before bed because...
So you go to bed peacefully and wake up feeling energized and ready to tackle the day. Plus…
The anxiety and stress reducing benefits of the ashwagandha won’t just keep you calm and relaxed at night…
But it will have a positive effect on your mood the next day because experts from the University of California have found that ashwagandha blocks stress pathways to the brain…
So don’t be surprised when you’re better able to handle stressful situations… 26
And your family and coworkers will take notice when you’re more on top of things and have yourself “put together”... instead of feeling on edge from a lack of sleep and increased stress.
So as you can see…
Ashwagandha is an amazing natural compound...
And that’s why I was serious about adding the most potent form of ashwagandha in the world— KSM-66 — to Harmonium Sleep Support.
Now I also added 250 mg of lemon balm leaf.
Lemon balm leaf was noted by herbalists, philosophers, and scientists in the middle ages as the “elixir of life” for its possible life-enhancing properties...
It was highly recommended as an herb with numerous health benefits by the leader of the “medical revolution” in the 18th century and famous Swiss Physician, Paracelsus... 27 28
Even the 3rd President of the United States— Thomas Jefferson— would grow lemon balm in his garden and brew it into a delicious warm tea... 29
And now modern day science is promoting lemon balm leaf for its powerful anti-stress capabilities. 30
A 2004 study found that taking lemon balm eases negative mood effects that occur from laboratory-induced psychological stress...
In the study, participants who took lemon balm self-reported an...
In the study, participants who took lemon balm self-reported an increased sense of calmness and reduced feelings of alertness…
Which is why it’s such a key ingredient from nature to take before bed… 31
Because it reduces the stress leading up to bed for those who struggle to fall asleep and…
Next— I also added 50 mg of chamomile extract to Harmonium Sleep Support.
Chamomile is one of the most ancient herbs known to mankind... 32
And has been used for centuries as a mild sedative to calm nerves… reduce anxiety... 33
And even help with insomnia and other sleep problems... 34
During my research of chamomile...
I even stumbled on an old 1973 study...
Where doctors brewed chamomile into a tea to give to their patients in an effort to lower their patients’ blood pressure…
And they accidentally found that 83% of their patients fell into a deep sleep shortly after taking chamomile tea...
And since then... 35
This old medicinal plant once praised by ancient Egyptians as “a gift from the God of the Sun”... 36
Is now supported by some of the top medical journals and Universities in the world...
So I was excited to include chamomile inside our uniquely powerful Harmonium Sleep Support formula.
Now this next ingredient is a tongue twister…
It’s called astaxanthin… which I’ve added 50 mg of inside of Harmonium Sleep Support and for good reason...
Astaxanthin is a reddish antioxidant that belongs to a group of chemicals called carotenoids that occur naturally in certain algae...
It's what causes the bright pink or red color in salmon, trout, lobster, shrimp, and other seafood.
A brand new 2020 study published in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition…
Found adults who struggle with “feeling down” a lot of the time…
Which can oftentimes affect sleep patterns...
Can improve their sleep with the help of astaxanthin. 38
It’s also been reported in studies from Washington State University to lower oxidative stress... 39
And that’s important... 40
Because as you learned earlier…
5-HTP is also the precursor of melatonin... which regulates sleep cycles. 42 43
5-HTP is a catalyst to boost the “bedtime hormones” your body needs to relax and get deep restorative sleep.
The next ingredient I added into Harmonium Sleep Support is 200 mg of magnesium. Now…
According to research published in the scientific journal Nutrients...
Magnesium is one of the most critical minerals to help reduce anxiety and improve sleep…
In fact…
Research shows magnesium deficiency can cause restlessness and sleep troubles... 44
And according to recent reports…
Up to 75% of the U.S. population is deficient in magnesium... 45
Which may be one of the reasons why millions of people struggle to get a good night of sleep.
However it doesn’t have to be this way. See...
Magnesium improves sleep by shrinking the GABA gap that you learned about earlier…
By boosting GABA activity in the brain…
And simultaneously decreasing glutamate activity... 46
So your body and mind can relax before bed... and you can fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.
However you don’t want just any form of magnesium. See…
There are actually several different forms of magnesium…
And each of them have their own “specialty” in the body…
Some are even ineffective because they are not easily absorbed into your bloodstream...
And that’s why I carefully selected what I believe to be four of the most effective types of magnesium that not only help to support deep sleep… 47
But are also highly bioavailable... 48 49
So your body can absorb the magnesium into your body quickly...
The next ingredient I’ve included inside Harmonium Sleep Support is 20 mg of Asian Ginseng Extract...
Ginseng is one of the oldest sleep remedies in the book…
And has been used as a sleep-staple in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years… 50
This sleep-supporting herb has an impressive track record for helping folks who suffer from all sorts of frustrating sleep problems... 51 52
Which is why I’ve added this effective ancient remedy to Harmonium Sleep Support…
The next ingredient I’ve added in Harmonium Sleep Support is a tried-and-true sleep ingredient that your body naturally produces when it wants to fall asleep...
And that hormone is melatonin…
Which you’ve likely heard of or maybe even tried before. Now...
If you’ve tried melatonin before and it didn’t do much for you…
There’s a very specific reason why...
And it has to do with the final ingredient that I’ve added in Harmonium Sleep Support that separates this sleep formula from the pack even more…
Which I’ll share in just a minute. Now...
Melatonin has been shown in vivo to increase levels of GABA in the brain... 53
Which provides a calming effect in the body and mind.
Research from Yale University also shows that melatonin can help you not only fall asleep faster…
But also get a better quality of sleep. 54
Which is crucial…
Because as you’ve already learned…
Just getting more hours of sleep is NOT going to make you feel more energized come morning. Instead you need deep restorative sleep…
And feel excited to take on the day instead of feeling lazy and exhausted.
And look…
You don’t need a ton of melatonin to get a great night of sleep…
Researchers from the prestigious Johns Hopkins University say “less is more” when it comes to adding melatonin to your sleep routine… 55
And that’s why we’ve added just 2.5 mg of melatonin…
That when combined with the ingredients above…
As well as the next ingredient that I’ll introduce you to…
Will help you achieve deep relaxing sleep and gain tons of energy come sunrise.
Now the final ingredient I included in Harmonium Sleep Support may be the most important ingredient of all…
Because it boosts the bioavailability of each ingredient…
To maximize its effectiveness resulting in faster and more noticeable sleep-enhancing results.
This ingredient is called Bioperine ... a patented black pepper extract…
Which helps your body absorb the nutrients inside of Harmonium Sleep Support fast before the ingredients get burnt up in your stomach acid.
But they’re missing this key ingredient that makes the formula effective…
It’s a rookie mistake that a lot of companies make…
And it results in their formulas acting like nothing more than a placebo. Look…
Which is why I added 5 mg of Bioperine into Harmonium Sleep Support... so you can be confident that you’re getting the maximum benefit of each ingredient I’ve mentioned today...
So you can fall asleep fast…
Stay asleep…
And get the deep quality sleep your body needs...
So you can wake up the next day chock full of vibrant energy and be the person you’ve always wanted to be before all of these sleep problems hit in the first place. Now while...
It’s important to note that if you’ve been struggling with years and years of chronic sleep issues…
Or you’re currently on prescription meds to improve your sleep…
Harmonium Sleep Support is NOT for you…
And truth be told… no supplement will give you the fix you need if you’ve been diagnosed as a chronic insomniac.
And while I get that may sound outlandish coming from the creator of this incredibly effective new sleep supplement…
I’m not here to rip you off…
Give you false hope…
Or lie to your face.
There are literally thousands of supplement companies who do this without an ounce of guilt or remorse...
And I REFUSE to be one of them… and I think that’s something you’ll appreciate too.
With that said…
If you do struggle with common sleep issues…
And you’re stressed out before going to bed… or are constantly waking up in the middle of the night then this is hands down the best sleep support supplement you will experience…
See - I’m not a big conspiracy theorist… but it doesn’t take a lot of digging to see that Big Tech is in bed with Big Pharma. In fact…
There have been several alternative medicine websites that have been shut down or moved to the back of the search engine where no one can see them...
And because Big Pharma has already tried censoring some of the information I shared with you earlier on this page…
Including one of the main ingredients inside Harmonium Sleep Support which was once approved by the FDA…
But then silenced by big pharma companies...
Not because it was unsafe or ineffective...
But because it’s illegal for big wigs at these pharmaceutical companies to profit off nature’s medicine.
So for those reasons…
I don’t know how much longer our website is going to be up.
And that’s why you need to stick around for another minute or so because this website is the only place you can order your supply of Harmonium Sleep Support.
With that said…
And here’s why…
See—I have more than 20 years experience formulating health supplements…
So this is not my first rodeo…
And I operate under a lot of conviction for creating the most effective formulas you can get your hands on…
I make it my mission to source only the very best ingredients...
And make sure each batch is of the highest quality…
Believe it or not… so many other companies shortcut their way through this process and it’s risky for their customers and even their own business…
But hey, as long as they’re making money, they don’t care.
I do things differently...
And it’s because our company sets the bar so high…
That we choose NOT to mass produce Harmonium Sleep Support…
And we’re okay with that...
Because we want to maintain the highest standard of ingredient integrity…
Keep tabs on every bottle…
And make sure every single one of our customers is getting the most potent dose of sleep-enhancing ingredients inside every single-scoop serving.
So because of that...
We are only able to place small orders that we send through a rigorous 3rd-party testing process to ensure you’re getting the highest quality.
So we only order small batches of Harmonium Sleep Support at a time…
And with this recent report going viral and the demand for Harmonium Sleep Support gaining incredible traction…
Supplies are limited.
If you were to try to order all of the 10 ingredients yourself inside Harmonium Sleep Support…
It would cost you somewhere in the ballpark of $288 per month.
And even then…
You’re still running the risk of ordering the wrong types of ingredients that aren’t in their most potent form…
Which is not only a complete waste of time but also a complete waste of money. Plus...
When I initially started testing these ingredients I found that taste was a big factor…
But because of the connections I’ve made over the years in the field of nutrition…
I was able to bring Harmonium Sleep Support to you with a subtle natural lemon flavor that mixes easily in water… and tastes AMAZING!
So you won’t have to worry about some nasty “earthy” taste…
Or something so sour it’s going to make your lips pucker.
I know that if you don’t love the taste of Harmonium Sleep Support, you’ll never come back no matter how great the formula works for you.
That’s why I’ve made it a priority to bring you a great tasting beverage that’s enjoyable to drink before bed…
And gets the job done putting you to sleep quickly and helping you stay asleep all night long.
So as you can see I’ve taken all the guesswork out of the equation…
I’ve made the connections with the farmers to get the most potent forms of these ingredients into Harmonium Sleep Support…
And was able to even reduce the price with the manufacturer after some arm twisting…
And that’s why today you can get a jar of Harmonium Sleep Support for just $49.95, a savings of over 30% off our regular price of $67.
However it gets better…
Because when you stock up today and order 3 bottles of Harmonium Sleep Support you’ll save 40% and get each bottle for just $39.95 per bottle…
And when you really decide to maximize your sleep with the ingredients inside of Harmonium Sleep Support and stock up on 6 bottles…
You’ll save 51% per bottle…
Which comes to just $33/bottle. Plus…
Saving you another $14.95 in shipping costs...
So I guess you could say smart people buy more.
After clicking the add to cart button you’ll then be taken to a secure checkout form on the next page…
Simply fill out the secure form…
Click the order button…
And we will rush ship your order so it arrives in 3-5 days from now and the best sleeps you’ve had in a long time will begin the very first night! Plus...
You get a full 3 months to try out Harmonium Sleep Support…
So if for whatever reason it doesn’t give you the amazing deep sleep you deserve…
Simply contact our customer service team… and we’ll refund your every penny. No questions asked.
We’re a small business who prides ourselves on keeping our word, supporting our customers, and delivering on our promises…
So you can be certain that you’re not only going to get an amazing experience falling asleep and staying asleep each night…
But you’re also going to get amazing treatment from our intimate customer service team.
With that said…
I doubt you’re going to want a refund…
Because those who use Harmonium Sleep Support as their nightly ritual before bed…
Are getting the restorative sleep required to be happy, healthy, and energized in mind, body and spirit.
I use Harmonium Sleep Support after I’ve had a few bad nights of sleep and need to reset my clock. Which, with a one year old, has been frequently. I love that it doesn’t make me feel groggy in the morning like other sleep supplements did. Helps me drift off to sleep faster instead of that tired and frustrated cycle that can keep you up. Will be getting more!
Thomas M, Boise, ID
I've tried ALL sorts of remedies for sleep and can even track my sleep quality with a sleep ring. This was the first product that worked for me CONSISTENTLY. I've noticed improvements in both my deep sleep and REM sleep, plus I can feel the difference when I wake up in the morning. I love how it works fast (in about 20 minutes for me) and it helps me get deep sleep without feeling groggy in the morning. Great stuff!
Jeremy R, Wyoming, PA
These are the kinds of results you can expect too…
But as I mentioned before…
We’re a small business…
We don’t have the venture capital funding to manufacture tens of thousands of these bottles at a time, so you must act now while we’re still in stock…
Option #1 is you can forget all of the information you’ve learned today…
How the cause of sleepless nights has to do with the GABA gap…
Which is a decrease in the brain’s GABA production… which is the chemical that tells your body to relax and go to sleep…
And an increase in the brain’s Glutamate production…
Which is an excitatory chemical that tells your mind to run, run, run even in the late hours of the night…
And makes it increasingly difficult for your body to shut down so you can sleep.
And you can ignore how the best way to begin getting a great night’s sleep starting tonight is by shrinking the GABA gap and flipping it…
So your brain is in a GABA positive state that allows you to fall asleep faster and stay asleep.
Like taking pills or syrups…
That forces your body to grow a dependency on the lab-made ingredients…
To the point you won’t be able to sleep without it.
And when that happens you typically have to increase your dosage more and more to keep its effects as strong as the first night.
Some of these test-tube ingredients also leave you feeling like crap the next day…
You’re still groggy and exhausted…
Your kids are yelling “mommy” or “daddy” to get your attention because you’re not fully “there”...
You crave anything with caffeine in it to try and wake yourself up…
If you still decide to go that route, I get it…
You’ll do just about anything to get a good night of sleep. I’ve been there…
Laying wide awake at 3 am…
Your senses are on high alert…
You hear everything…
The tiny clinking of the ceiling fan… the cricket noises in the backyard... the few and far between passing cars driving along the road… the deep breathing of your passed-out spouse sleeping like a baby next to you.
It’s miserable…
And after floating through the day in a fog because you couldn’t sleep…
You get super anxious as soon as it gets dark outside because you dread another night of sleepless torture…
And your bedtime routine actually makes you more anxious leading up to your sleep window…
You can never get enough of it…
And you’re ALWAYS thinking about it…
And it’s driving you insane … maybe to the point of affecting the people around you or how you feel about life. Listen…
If you want to continue on that path then go right ahead…
I wish you the best. I do. But because you’ve read this far, I know you’re a serious person who’s sick and tired of feeling exhausted all the time and you’re ready to fix your sleep.
Order your supply of Harmonium Sleep Support today…
And get the kind of sleep you’ve been daydreaming about.
You know what you want in your life…
You want to take control of your sleep and stop stressing so much…
You want to wake up feeling refreshed like a cell phone that’s been sitting on the charger all night long and you’re at full battery in the green once you wake up…
And excited to tackle the day because the world is your oyster and you’re going to make the most of the time you have in it.
Imagine what you could accomplish when you’re no longer dragging from a lack of energy…
Imagine how much more fun you can have on Friday nights and the weekend when you’re not so consumed about if you’ll be able to fall asleep tonight…
But instead…
Like a “normal sleeper” you’ll be able to set your alarm for the next morning…
Fluff your pillow and curl up under the cool covers…
And doze off into la-la land without an ounce of stress or anxiety keeping you awake.
Best of all…
You’ll stay asleep.
No more random thoughts waking you up in the dead of the night… like your brain grabbed a bullhorn and yelled into your ear “wake up!”...
No more counting sheep…
Or trying a dozen sleep positions to try and work your body back to sleep…
Starting after you receive your supply…
You’ll fall asleep FAST…
And STAY asleep…
So you can wake up with all the energy you need to live out your best life for you and your family.
But you really need to hurry now as there’s no guarantee how much longer Harmonium Sleep Support will be available…
Remember that your order is 100% secured by our 90 day money back guarantee…
So you can try Harmonium Sleep Support now and if for whatever reason it doesn’t meet your expectations…
You’ll get a full refund, no questions asked.
So take advantage of this free gift while you still can.
I’m super excited for you to begin experiencing deep restorative sleep with Harmonium Sleep Support…
If you have any questions regarding the tracking of your order…
I’ve made an easy way for you to contact my team directly to answer those for you.
Thank you for reading and I can’t wait to hear about your good nights of sleep ahead.
To your harmonious sleep,
James Klein
What ingredients are in Harmonium Sleep Support?
Harmonium Sleep Support is a blend of synergistic 10 ingredients, naturally flavored, and sweetened with Stevia and Monk fruit.