What if the reason you can’t fall asleep at night or get a full night’s sleep is because of something actually wrong inside of your brain…
Wouldn’t you want to know how to fix it?
Simply, answer yes or no to the following questions...
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you’re probably stuck in what experts call…
But don’t worry it happens to the best of us...
You see, stress leads to a loss of sleep…
And a loss of sleep leads to an increase in stress, which can become a vicious cycle.
And if you’re someone who struggles to cope with an ever-growing to-do list, collapses onto your couch every evening feeling exhausted, anxious and stressed…
You probably already know your body and your brain are lacking deep, rejuvenating sleep.
A recommended 6-8 hours of sleep is essential for:
But when you’re unable to easily fall and stay asleep…
You see, sleep debt is like financial debt.
It grows over time.
Just like our credit cards, sleep debt charges interest.
And just like minimum payments won’t pay off your credit card debts…
Sleeping in on weekends… won’t pay off your sleep debt either.
Interest continues to accumulate in the form of poor health.
And as you’re about to see…
It can lead to a variety of health issues…
Everything from weight gain and digestive concerns… to poor heart health.
Amazingly enough, the less sleep you get… the more your body hides the symptoms.
In other words?
You probably have no idea just how bad things really are.
But when it comes time to pay the debt… it can send your health into bankruptcy.
Did you know that...
It’s true…
According to researchers from the Chicago Medical Center deep sleep is vital to your metabolism. [1]
In their study reported to The National Academy of Science…
Slender, healthy young adults who were deprived of the deepest stage of sleep known as slow-wave sleep developed insulin resistance — a trait linked to type 2 diabetes — after just three nights.
The effect was comparable to gaining 20 to 30 pounds.
And according to the study’s lead researcher, Dr. Esra Tasali, MD…
“This decrease in slow-wave sleep resembles the changes in sleep patterns caused by 40 years of aging.”
In a separate study published in the journal Sleep…
Researchers followed 496 adults for 13 years and found that adults who slept six hours or less each night were 750% more likely to be overweight! [2]
And if that wasn’t enough…
Here are the...
Damaging Effect #1 - Sleep Loss Dumbs You Down
Sleep plays a crucial role in thinking and learning. When you aren’t sleeping well these cognitive processes suffer. First, it impairs attention, alertness, concentration, reasoning, and problem solving. This makes it harder to learn new things. [3]
Second, during the night, various sleep cycles play a role in “consolidating” and storing your memories. If you don’t get enough sleep, it’s almost impossible to remember what you learned or even what you did the day before.
Damaging Effect #2 - It Kills Your Sex Drive
If your sex life is lagging, it could be your lack of sleep. [4]
Researchers followed nearly 4,000 men and women in their early- to mid-60s for a year. What they found is that poor sleep was associated with erectile dysfunction for men and arousal problems and orgasm difficulty for women.
Damaging Effect #3 - It Ages Your Skin
Most people have experienced the pale skin and puffy eyes that come along with not getting enough sleep. But it turns out that chronic sleep loss can lead to accelerated skin aging, fine lines, and dark circles. [5]
When you don’t get enough sleep, your body releases more of the stress hormones which can break down skin collagen, the protein that keeps skin smooth and elastic.
Sleep loss also interferes with our release of growth hormone, a key hormone that helps with repair tissue, increases muscle mass, thickens our skin and strengthens our bones.
And here’s the culprit behind all of it...
Recent research suggests missing sleep not only makes you tired, worn out and fatigued…
… it gradually damages your brain.
And to make matters worse…
If you don’t sleep enough at night…
Your body boosts its levels of stress hormones.
The brain chemicals connected with deep sleep are the same ones that tell the body to stop the production of stress hormones.
As a result, when you don’t sleep well, your body keeps pumping out those hormones.
The next day, you feel more stressed, the following night you find it harder to fall asleep, and so on and so on and so on.
Even worse, stress hormones peak in the afternoon and early evening… just when you should be relaxing and preparing for slumber.
And research shows that not sleeping can lead to things like irritability, mood swings and fatigue.
All of which have a tendency to further amplify our levels of stress.
So, the normal things that people get stressed about like, money, kids, work or maybe an argument with a friend or our significant other...become MUCH bigger problems.
I should know.
I used to go to bed completely exhausted… and although I usually fell asleep pretty fast…
Staying asleep? Well, that was a different story.
Night after night, I’d wake up at 1, 2 or 3 o’clock in the morning with my stress and anxiety running wild.
I’d start to think about all the things on my TO DO list...
The projects coming up at work, helping my wife with the kids, what bills I needed to pay and which ones I could put off...
I did everything I could to calm my mind.
I drank herbal tea. I tried warm milk… nature sounds, over the counter sleep aids and even a prescription from my doctor.
And while those things did help a little…
...my mind still refused to turn off.
It got so bad, just a few hours before bed…
I’d start to worry about whether or not I’d get a good night’s sleep.
And this caused even more stress.
Which only made my sleeping problems worse.
The good news is...
Recently… I’ve discovered a powerful way to do just that.
And due to how 2020’s global events have increased stress…
I wanted to get this new solution out to the general public as quickly as possible.
I spent over a year working with other top experts in health to develop a brand-new supplement… proven to help you jump out of the Stress-Sleep Cycle.
Hi, I’m James Klein…
I’ve been quietly formulating some of the most effective supplements on the market since 2001.
My team and I have a combined 50+ years of experience developing supplements.
Our products have been sold all over the globe and in many of the largest retailers and e-commerce sites in the world.
Over the years…
My formulations have helped countless people boost their immune systems, lose weight, gain muscle mass and strength, manage premature aging… and more.
And up until last year, I was known for my constant habit of burning the midnight oil.
But I didn’t just burn it…
I had a full on bonfire going and at times it was out of control!
During the day, I’d be locked away in my office feverishly typing away on my desktop, then at night it was my laptop, iPad and iPhone.
Work never ended...
Yet everyone could see…
My lack of sleep was slowly, but surely destroying my health.
My skin looked white and ghostly and dark circles surrounded my eyes.
I looked physically exhausted and tired all the time.
If the opportunity arose, I’d even sleep at my desk!
I finally decided to do something about it!
So, my team and I researched dozens of nutrients, looking for just the right combination to defeat the Sleep-Stress Cycle.
And ultimately we narrowed it down to just seven.
Let’s start with the first stress-sleep cycle busting nutrient I discovered.
But you may know it as Melatonin...
And as you probably know, Melatonin has now become the “GO-TO” sleep aid for thousands of Americans…
It’s already been featured by Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins, Stanford University, Duke and hundreds of other TOP medical institutions around the country.
And the best part?
That’s right…
Your body naturally produces Melatonin in the part of your brain called the Pineal Gland.
And when you think about it…
There’s nothing more natural than something produced by your own body.
Plus, it’s 100% safe and can help deliver a deep, restful night’s sleep the first night you use it.
Here’s how it works...
You see, the Pineal Gland is the part of your brain that regulates your body’s sleep cycle.
Also known as your circadian rhythm.
And it does this by naturally producing Melatonin.
The problem with the pineal gland however is that it’s also a target for stress hormones…
Put simply… as our stress levels rise…
Which further lowers our production of Melatonin.
And to make matters worse…
The older we get, the less Melatonin we make.
In fact, according to researchers from the University Hospital of Vienna we can lose as much as 80% of our Melatonin by the age of 60…
The result: Tossing, turning and waking every hour.
So, if you’re losing sleep, you can be certain that the reason is that your natural levels of Melatonin are too low and/or your cortisol levels are too high due to increased stress.
But here’s the good news:
Taking a small dose of Melatonin at bedtime, can get you started on rejuvenating your body’s natural sleep rhythm.
The problem is that when you’re stuck in the stress-sleep cycle…
That’s why my team and I spent months researching brain chemistry and studying the Stress-Sleep Cycle.
We researched dozens of nutrients, looking for just the right combination…
And ultimately we narrowed it down to just six.
Starting with...
Has been shown to increase nutrient absorption by as much as 2000%. This means you get more out of the nutrients that you consume because your body can actually utilize them.
Bioperine also has positive effects on both dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain. This increase in brain chemicals helps produce more melatonin and leads to a feeling of calmness.
Bottom Line: In combination with the other nutrients I mentioned, Bioperine provides deep relaxation and helps eliminate the harmful effects of stress…
And now that you know which nutrients to use...
I want to show you what I believe to be the hands down fastest, easiest, and most cost-effective way to get all of these specialized nutrients added to your bedtime routine.
Starting pretty much immediately.
I spent MONTHS working with my team of sleep and nutrition experts to make sure that this formula was perfectly dosed.
I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on research, development and manufacturing…
Which is something that I know is risky...
But it didn’t matter...
I knew that if we were going to launch a sleep formula that was powerful enough to break the stress-sleep cycle...
I had to get it 100% right.
Finally…after over a year of painstaking research and development…
I finally had everything perfect.
And today… I’m excited to share this all new sleep blend with you.
Harmonium Sleep Support was designed to:
Calm and relax your mind and your body...
Minimize cortisol production...
And rebalance sleep inducing brain chemicals...
Resulting in deeper for restful sleep and you waking up feeling refreshed.
In the short time since I released Harmonium Sleep Support to the public…
It’s already been used by thousands of people…
I have battled sleeplessness for many many years due to stress and hormonal issues. Because of that, I have tried MANY, many, many different supplements and routines to get good sleep. Harmonium Support supplements are now my go-to for both sleep and stress. I noticed a difference right away in my sleep and fatigue levels with these supplements because they truly work. I am getting at least 2 more hours of quality sleep at night because of these, which is huge because before I was getting four hours at best. Total game changer!
Amber S.
I have just assumed that I would always struggle to sleep once I had kids. I have tried lots of different sleep aides to keep me asleep at night but I always found myself waking up over and over again through the night. I took Harmonium sleep and started to notice an immediate difference. I didn't come to hate the sound of my alarm every morning and now I don't even need it. I wake up refreshed, not groggy, and ready to attack the day.
Kyle K.
I don’t typically write reviews or testimonials, but I felt like I should about Harmonium Health and their Sleep Support.
This last year or so has been rough and I just felt like I needed something to help me sleep and ease some anxiety I was having. Prior to that, I was a great sleeper!! I used to sleep really well, so trying a sleep supplement was something I never thought I needed to consider. When I couldn’t take it anymore, this product was recommended to me and so I gave it a try. It took a couple of days, but I was able to finally fall asleep and rest easy with less racing thoughts and anxiety.
I’m super thankful for this product and I’m will continue to take it!!
Stacy H.
I use Harmonium Sleep Support after I’ve had a few bad nights of sleep and need to reset my clock. Which, with a one year old, has been frequently. I love that it doesn’t make me feel groggy in the morning like other sleep supplements did. Helps me drift off to sleep faster instead of that tired and frustrated cycle that can keep you up. Will be getting more!
Thomas M.
As a wellness coach and gym owner, it's sometimes hard to calm down at the end of the day, let alone stay asleep when I finally drift off.
I've tried other supplements throughout the years, but either woke up groggy or had bad dreams during the night, only to wake up and wish I could go back to bed.
Harmonium Sleep Support has not only calmed my brain and body down before bed... but helped me get a full night of deep restorative sleep so that I can wake up refreshed, ready to take on every day!
Dawn S.
Working a high-stress job, I always had trouble getting a good night's sleep. Once I got in bed, my mind would instantly start racing about my busy day ahead. I knew there were supplements out there that could probably help me sleep better, but I was reluctant to give them a try. At the start of the new year, after careful research weighing my many options, I finally decided I would try Harmonium Sleep Support. It's by far the best decision I've made this year. I now fall asleep quickly (and peacefully), I get a great night's sleep, and almost always wake up feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the day.
Kyle D.
Plus, people especially love the way they feel first thing in the morning…
They’re not groggy, tired or worn out…
They don’t feel like they’ve been drugged.
Instead, they wake up energized, rejuvenated and ready to tackle the day.
I’m pretty sure after you’ve received your first bottle of Harmonium Sleep Support – which I’m going to be showing you how to do in just a moment (and at a major discount too)…
You’ll feel the same way.
Good, healthy sleep supports your metabolism…
Is crucial for brain health...
Promotes good heart health…
Supports healthy blood sugar...
And Boosts Your Immunity.
It’s surprising that simply getting high quality sleep each night can do so much…
But it can.
Plus when you sleep well…
Everything just seems a whole lot easier...
Remember, in each 3 capsule serving of Harmonium Sleep Support you get:
All perfectly formulated to help you get the best sleep of your life while minimizing the harmful effects of stress.
As a result… Harmonium Sleep Support has become one of our hardest products to keep in stock…
Especially because it’s become so wildly popular.
Once people start using Harmonium Sleep Support…
They often keep using it month after month…
And I’m not entirely surprised about that...
Because remember – quality sleep is crucial for good health.
This is why I personally encourage my clients to choose at least a 3 Month Supply…
And a 6 bottle 6-Month Supply if you want to really be covered.
That way you can ensure your body is getting a healthy dose of stress busting, sleep supporting nutrients every single night…
Nutrients that make it easier to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer…
So that you can always wake up feeling your best.
I’m pretty sure once you start using Harmonium Sleep Support…
You’ll never want to stop.
Especially once you notice just how energized and revitalized you’re feeling…
And how this sensation is something that sticks with you from morning to night…
Every single day.
Plus in many of the studies of Harmonium Sleep Support ingredients…
It was found that the longer you use them…
The more you can benefit.
I also want to be super honest here…
And make it clear that because I’ve given you all of the ingredients that are inside of Harmonium Sleep Support several times on this page.
You totally could just go order all of them separately online…
Or buy them at the grocery store...
And that’s absolutely an option for you.
I just don’t know why you would go that route…
Especially when the cost you’d pay to get all 7 of the ingredients individually…
Would probably be at least $280…
And even then…
You wouldn’t know if you were getting them in the right doses…
Or even if they’re coming from a brand you can really trust.
In contrast to that…
With Harmonium Sleep Support...
You get all 7 of these powerful ingredients personally sourced by me and my team and tested over and over until it was perfectly dosed inside each capsule.
That’s my obsession…
Because I know what kind of an impact it will have on your health.
And I realize that the more affordable I can make Harmonium Sleep Support…
The more likely it is that I’ll reach this goal.
That’s why right now…
As part of our national Break The Stress-Sleep Cycle Campaign…
When you say “YES” to Harmonium Sleep Support…
And commit to making a true transformation in your ability to sleep soundly each and every night...
You won’t need to spend $99 per bottle…or even $79 per bottle.
For a limited time only…
You can secure your very own bottle of Harmonium Sleep Support for just $49.95 per bottle.
You can also stock up on a multi-month supply of Harmonium Sleep Support for as little as $33.00 per bottle…
Which is by far the lowest price you’ll ever see Harmonium Sleep Support available for.
You get the chance to enjoy the sleep enhancing, stress busting power of Harmonium Sleep Support… for about a dollar a day.
So go ahead and take advantage of these major savings right now…
By clicking on one of the packages you see below now…
The second you’ve submitted your order…
We’ll get your supply of Harmonium Sleep Support shipped to your front door.
Plus when you take advantage of our discounted 6 bottle option...
We’re also going to cover the cost of Shipping and Handling...
Which is another $9.95 in savings.
So go ahead and get your order started now…
By clicking on one of the packages you see below.
I get it.
There’s probably a little voice in the back of your head, “I’ve already tried everything… and nothing worked.”
But Harmonium’s Sleep Support formula has already helped 10s of thousands of people break the Stress-Sleep Cycle.
I know it can for you too.
So let me make this an easy decision for you…
And make sure you have everything you need to take advantage of this generous offer.
That’s why I have…
Just for saying “YES” to getting the best sleep of your life.
And these are yours forever…
Even if you decide that Harmonium Sleep Support isn’t for you.
Now you’re going to love this...
It’s no secret…what you eat has an enormous impact on your sleep quality. If you have a few drinks, and a carb-heavy meal, then you don’t sleep as well. But you don’t have to give up the foods you love, to get the best sleep of your life...
So that’s why I asked my friend Kelley, a renowned health and cooking expert, to create this special cookbook just for you.
Inside you’ll find healthy, mouth watering recipes like:
And more!
These two instantly downloadable ebooks are yours to keep and start benefiting from…
Starting today!
You can ignore everything you’ve seen today…
The incredible studies showing that the ingredients in Harmonium Sleep Support help you to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer...
That they help relax you and give you the best possible chance of minimizing and in some cases eliminating the harmful effects of stress...
And by doing so…
Help support healthy, glowing, youthful looking skin…
Better heart health…
Enhanced brain health…
And a LOT more vitality.
Doesn’t that sound a lot better than waking up each morning feeling so tired and exhausted that just doing little things… or barely making it through the workday…
Have started to feel like a major chore?
The bottom line is…
If you recognize that your sleep isn’t what it should be...
And you realize that just maybe that’s having an effect on the way you both look, and feel…
So, select one of the packages of Harmonium Sleep Support you see below right now.
Try it 100% Risk Free for up to 60 days.
You’re using real, hard science to fundamentally change how you sleep…
And how you deal with stress.
And because each capsule is loaded with powerful sleep enhancing nutrients you’ll enjoy sleeping through the night…
Possibly even the first night you use it.
Once you both feel and SEE the difference that Harmonium Sleep Support is making…
You’re going to become a loyal Harmonium Sleep Support user for life.
But if I’m wrong for any reason…
And you’re not just over-the-moon thrilled with your experience using Harmonium Sleep Support…
Just call or email my U.S. based customer service team any time within the next 60 days...
And we’ll refund your entire investment, with no questions asked.
Ultimately, the decision is yours…
But I trust you’ll make the right choice, by selecting your risk-free package below.
Is Harmonium Sleep Support a good solution for everyone?
If you suffer from:
- Chronic insomnia
- Sleep apnea
- Frequent urination during the night?
Do I need to take 3 capsules every night?
The correct dose for each person will depend on a number of factors such as your weight and activity level.
It may take some time and trial-and-error to find what works best for you.
Most people need to take 3 or more to get the immediate effects of Harmonium Sleep Support…
But some of our customers only need 1 or 2 to get the best sleep of their life.
How many bottles should I order?
Research shows it’s best to take Harmonium Sleep Support consistently for at least 90 - 180 days to experience optimal results and to ensure you reach your desired weight and that you stay there. Therefore, we strongly recommend you take advantage of our 3 bottle or 6 bottle discount packages. We’re only able to guarantee this special pricing for today or until our limited inventory runs out, and we’re selling out of our current stock faster than anyone could have ever anticipated. The fact is we guarantee you’ll never be able to buy Harmonium Sleep Support cheaper than today which is another important reason why picking up at least 90 -180 days worth is definitely the smart option.
Is Harmonium Sleep Support safe?
Harmonium Sleep Support is absolutely 100% natural, safe and effective. Thousands of folks enjoy taking Harmonium Sleep Support every day and there have been no adverse effects reported. Every capsule of Harmonium Sleep Support is manufactured here in the USA in our state of the art FDA approved and GMP (good manufacturing practices) certified facility under the most sterile, strict and precise standards. Harmonium Sleep Support is 100% all natural, vegetarian and non-GMO. As always, if you have a medical condition it's recommended to consult with your doctor.
Will Harmonium Sleep Support work for me?
In a word… YES! Harmonium Sleep Support is the only product in the world to contain this blend of 7 special nutrients in the exact amounts scientifically proven to improve deep-sleep and enhance natural metabolic regeneration in both women and men.
What is the best way to take Harmonium Sleep Support?
Simply take three (3) capsules of Harmonium Sleep Support with a glass of water 30 - 60 minutes before bed.
How will Harmonium Sleep Support be shipped to me and how quickly?
We will ship your order directly to your home or office using USPS, and if you’re in the US or Canada you can expect your order shipped within 2 to 3 business days. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are currently unable to ship to other countries.
Will I be billed anything else after I order?
Absolutely not! Rest assured this is a one-time payment only. This is not an auto-ship program of any kind. There are no hidden charges or subscription fees whatsoever. I’ve always hated that stuff as much as you do!
What certifications does your manufacturing facility have?
Our manufacturing facility is cGMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified and FDA inspected. We undergo annual audits to maintain our cGMP certification.
What testing is done on your products?
All ingredients are tested for purity when they arrive in our manufacturing facility. All finished product is tested by an independent laboratory to ensure that the product conforms with specifications.
What if Harmonium Sleep Support doesn’t work for me?
I'm confident that you’ll experience more profound, life changing results than literally anything you’ve ever purchased before - I’m not just promising the results - I’m going to guarantee them.
Harmonium Sleep Support is backed by a 60 day, no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee to make getting started an absolute no-brainer for you.
If Harmonium Sleep Support doesn’t turn out to be the best decision you’ve ever made, or if you change your mind for any reason whatsoever, just email us at customercare@harmoniumhealth.com anytime in the next 60 days and we’ll provide return instructions right away. My team and I are extremely easy to get a hold of. There’s simply no risk to you. It’s time to get started!
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
[1] https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/01/080101093903.htm
[2] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15283000/
[3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2656292/
[4] https://www.jsm.jsexmed.org/article/S1743-6095(19)30006-2/fulltext
[5] https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/07/130723155002.htm
[6] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/6527092/
[7] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4245564/
[8] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5770524/
[9] Hongo N et al., “Randomized controlled trial of the anti-fatigue effects of astaxanthin on mental and physical loads simulating daily life,” Journal of Clinical Therapeutics & Medicines, vol. 32, no. 7 (2016): 277–291